Sunday, 15 February 2009

Response to Friedman's Article

I thought that this was a very well written and interesting article. It helped to illuminate the various perspectives people have regarding the issue of global warming. One phrase stood out to me though, it was the passage when Friedman said he noticed satellite dishes on the U.S. Embassy, and solar panels on the Chinese one.

"The U.S. Embassy’s roof is loaded with antennae and listening gear. The Chinese Embassy’s roof is loaded with ... new Chinese-made solar hot-water heaters."

I thought this was a stunning contrast. We often treat China as a gargantuan waste-and-pollution-producing machine, yet here we see that the residents of the U.S. Embassy seem to be far more concerned with security than sustainability. In stark contrast, the Chinese are more focused on sustainability and alternative forms of energy. One could of course argue that China is trying to attract businesses, and looking as if they are "green" is a means of attracting investors, but the end result is undeniable. Friedman's observation filled me with hope, for if a massive country like China is beginning to change, and if others follow suit, then there might be hope for us yet.

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